Business owners need simple, yet cost effectiveness. All of our website packages include domains, hosting, AND content. We will do everything for you.
Don’t be worried about ownership either. We place your assets in your own account which can be accessed anytime. After the first year, you 100% own everything. Stay-put or move, whatever you want.
The ultimate small business website service.
No large upfront development fees.
Pick your monthly payment option.
- Blog Design
- FREE Redesign
- Unlimited Pages
- Unlimited Posts
- Basic Security
- 1 Domain
- Economy Hosting
- Content for 3 Pages
- 1/2hr Additions/Changes
- 1 Email/100MB
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- Business Design
- FREE Redesign
- Unlimited Pages
- Unlimited Posts
- Basic Security
- 1 Domain
- Economy Hosting
- Content for 5 Pages
- 1/2hr Additions/Changes
- 1 Email/100MB
- Google Analytics
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- Business Design
- FREE Redesign
- Unlimited Pages
- Unlimited Posts
- Essential Security
- 1 Domain
- Economy Hosting
- Content for 10 Pages
- 1hr Additions/Changes
- 1 Email/100MB
- Google Analytics
- On-Site SEO
- SEO Report
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- Business Design
- FREE Redesign
- Unlimited Pages
- Unlimited Posts
- Deluxe Security
- 2 Domains
- Deluxe Hosting
- Content for 15 Pages
- 2hr Additions/Changes
- 5 Email/2GB
- Google Analytics
- On-Site SEO
- SEO Report
- Local Listings
- 1 Blog Post
- 1 Landing Page
- 1 Email Newsletter
- 1hr SEO Backlinks
- $100 Search Ad Budget
- X
- Business Design
- FREE Redesign
- Unlimited Pages
- Unlimited Posts
- Deluxe Security
- 3 Domains
- Ultimate Hosting
- Content for 20 Pages
- 2hr Additions/Changes
- 5 Email/Unlimited
- Google Analytics
- On-Site SEO
- SEO Report
- Local Listings
- 2 Blog Posts
- 2 Landing Pages
- 2 Email Newsletters
- 2hr SEO Backlinks
- $250 Search Ad Budget
- 1 New Page
Feel free to call or email us for more information or to get started as well.
Call/Text: 833-699-2687 | [email protected]
Read the details of each service or feature.
Wordpress Platform
All of our websites are built on the WordPress platform. WordPress is easy to use and versatile enough to do almost anything your business needs for customer engagement.
Beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything you want. WordPress is an open-source platform that runs 29% of the web.
Unlimited Pages
Although each of our packages include a specific number of page content development, the website platform itself has the ability to hold an unlimited amount of pages.
No matter the package, you or we can continue to add any number of pages to your website.
Website Security
Each page comes with a level of security. However, not all security is the same.
Our basic security is the Wordfence Security plugin which protects against brute force attacks plus login security features.
Essential Security automatically detects and removes malware while monitoring your website for being blacklisted by search engines.
Deluxe Security ads an additional layer of malware security plus a content delivery network for better website performance.
The files of a website must live somewhere. They are stored on a web server and accessed to be pulled together to form a website. The storage of website files on a server is called “hosting”.
Economy hosting has 100GB of space.
Deluxe hosting has Unlimited space.
Ultimate hosting has unlimited space and 2X the processing power for better speed and performance.
Owning a website means you need a professional email address to go along with it. Being that our packages include domain names, we provide email as well. Even though you select a package with 1 email, it can be a general email like [email protected].
If you need to add more email addresses to one of our smaller packages, you can do so cheap and easy. We also suggest looking into G Suite for more emails with large storage.
On-Site SEO
SEO is the penicle of having your website found online. Some of our plans include On-Site aka On-Page SEO. This includes the Search Engine Optimization practices on your website.
We will ensure that all pages have titles, descriptions, and keywords matching the page’s content. We also make sure images are optimized with proper title tags and even sizing for speed.
As a part of each bundle, we provide content additions and/or changes. Bundles range from 1/2hr to 2hrs. This includes adding or changing any text or images within the current design. We will also add blog posts and portfolio type content as part of this service.
Local Listings
With Local Listings, we make sure that your business is listed on all directory websites using the same information.
Local listings have become extremely important due to the use of mobile search. People are searching for locations within apps such as Google and Apple Maps. The proper listing information will ensure your customers can find you.
Landing Pages
We will create a Landing Page (also known as a click funnel) that will be used specifically to capture web leads. This special web page on your website will be dedicated to filling out a form for something in return. Many times this is a guide, newsletter, something free, etc.
We will collaborate with you to create and maintain a landing page that can be used to obtain targeted traffic from Search and/or Social Media.
SEO Backlinks
Building backlinks to your website and individual web pages is a tremendously helpful SEO technique.
For our SEO Backlinks service, we will work on getting links on various other websites to point to your website. The more links we can get pointing in, the more the search engines believe your website is important. The more important, the higher the ranking.
New Page(s)
Adding new blog posts is one thing, but adding new pages is another. Although blog posts are considered pages to search engines, we are talking about static product/service/info pages that are not “blog like”.
New pages are in addition to pages originally created for the website. For example, if you started with a 10 page web build, we will create additional pages for you past 10.
These pages can target a keyword that you want your website to be found for in search.
There are two types of overall design direction. Blog design and business design.
Our blog design is a traditional blog layout with the main design focus revolving around blog posts. The homepage features only blog posts.
Our business design is basically anything else besides a blog layout. The designs can be almost anything and focus on any part of a business.
FREE Redesign
As a part of each package, you have the option to re-design your website every two years.
A website’s design can get a little tired on the eyes after a while. That is why we provide a complementary re-design of your website if you choose to do so.
Unlimited Posts
Our packages may also include a specific number of blog post content development. Just like pages, the website platform itself has the ability to hold an unlimited amount of blog posts.
No matter the package, you or we can continue to add any number of blog posts to your website.
Domain Name(s)
Each of our packages comes with the registration of at least 1 domain name.
Included with the packages is the ability to register ANY domain name. That could be a .com, .net, .org, .club, or even .pub. We collaborate with you to choose the best domain that fits your business.
Because domains are like real estate, obtaining variations of a domain name can be important. Our higher packages include multiple domains.
Each domain comes with initial registration and ongoing renewal and registration updates with the ICANN system (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ).
Page Content
Our page content service is a major factor that sets us apart from many of the other website development companies. Not only will we design and develop your website, but we will create the images and wording that actually make up the website.
Page content includes text copywriting up to 1000 words per page. It also includes graphics selection and editing from various free image websites like Pixabay.com.
Google Analytics
Knowing your visitors and page views gives you a huge advantage when trying to market your business online.
The Google Analytics platform gives an extreme depth view of your website traffic. With any package, we will connect your website with Google Analytics and pull basic traffic data into your websites admin panel. You will also have access to your Google Analytics account to see all of the granular details.
SEO Report
Being that SEO is so important, and likely more important to customers with higher level packages, we offer a deeper SEO Report.
Our SEO Report service includes a monthly report digging deeper into specific keyword targeting, and rankings, to help determine future SEO direction.
Blog Posts
Our blog post content service is another major factor that sets us apart from many of the other website development companies. Not only will we develop your website and page content, but we will create blog posts for you.
Blog posts provide a steady stream of content relevant to your business or industry to maintain a constant freshness to your website.
Email Newsletter(s)
Email marketing is a staple of web marketing. Delivering content in a regularly scheduled email is a great way to attract visitors back to your website.
For those packages that have email newsletters, we will help you create a standard email newsletter with content from your website, blog posts, and or events. We will also work to make sure the newsletter is sent out consistently.
Search Ad Budget
Running search ads gives instant traffic to a website. We will create your search ad account, create the ads, and split test them monthly to ensure you are getting the best bang for the buck.
The packages that have a search budget will spend the specifically stated amount each month.
Need Something Custom?
Does our package not fit what you want or need? Or do you want something added or taken away from a package? Maybe you need something not seen on our list. Whatever you want with your website, we can work with you to get it done.
Contact us to request options and pricing.